Source code for controller

#Author: John Alexander
#ChangeDate: 8 FEB 2013; 2300EST
#Description: This is the Controller class for PySimiam.
import math

[docs]class Controller(): """ The controller class defines a behavior for the supervisor class. Any implemention must inherit from this class and implement the :meth:`~Controller,execute` method to return a unicycle model output. :param params: A structure containing the internal controller parameters, such as PID constants. :type params: :class:`~helpers.Struct` """ def __init__(self,params): """Initialize the controller with parameters :params params: A structure containing the internal controller parameters, such as PID constants. :type params: :class:`~helpers.Struct` """ self.set_parameters(params) self.restart()
[docs] def execute(self, state, dt): """Given a state and elapsed time, calculate and return robot motion parameters :param state: Output from the supervisor :meth:`~Supervisor.process` method :type state: :class:`~helpers.Struct` :param float dt: Time elapsed since last call to `execute()` To be implemented in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError("Controller.execute")
[docs] def set_parameters(self,params): """Set the internal parameters of the controller. :param params: A structure containing the internal controller parameters, such as PID constants. :type params: :class:`~helpers.Struct` To be implemented in subclasses, """ raise NotImplementedError("Controller.set_parameters")
[docs] def restart(self): """Reset the controller to the initial state.""" pass