Source code for xmlreader

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xmlobject import XMLObject
from helpers import Struct
from pose import Pose

[docs]class XMLReader(XMLObject): """ A class to handle reading and parsing of XML files for the simulator and parameters configuration files. """ _file = None _root = None def __init__(self, file_, template): """ Construct a new XMLReader instance Scope: Public Parameters: file_ ------> path to the file containing the XML template ---> 'simulator' or 'parameters' Return: A new XMLReader instance """ super(XMLReader, self).__init__(file_, template) _tree = None try: _tree = ET.parse(file_) except IOError: raise Exception('[XMLReader.__init__] Could not open ' + str(file_)) except ET.ParseError: raise Exception('[XMLReader.__init__] Could not parse ' + str(file_)) self._root = _tree.getroot() def _parse_parameters(self): """ Parse a parameters configuration file Scope: Private Parameters: None Return: A dictionary encapsulating the parameters. """ def parse_tag(rdict, tag): """Fill dict with data from tag""" for attr, value in tag.items(): if attr != "id": try: rdict.append((attr,float(value))) except ValueError: rdict.append((attr,value)) for child in tag: sub = [] id_ = child.get('id',None) if id_ is not None: rdict.append(((child.tag, id_),sub)) else: rdict.append((child.tag,sub)) parse_tag(sub, child) result = [] parse_tag(result, self._root) return result def _parse_color(self, color): """ Convert a color attribute value to int None will yield None, '#FFACDD' will yield 0xFFACDD Scope: Private Parameters: color ----> the color to be converted Return: An integer value in the (AA)RRGGBB format """ if color is None: return color if color[0] == "#": return int(color[1:],16) color = color.lower() if color == 'black': return 0x000000 if color == 'red': return 0xFF0000 if color == 'green': return 0x00FF00 if color == 'blue': return 0x0000FF raise Exception('[XMLReader._parse_color] Bad color value in XML!') def _parse_simulation(self): """ Parse a simulation configuration file Scope: Private Parameters: None Return: A list of the objects in the simulation. """ simulator_objects = [] # robots for robot in self._root.findall('robot'): robot_type = robot.get('type') supervisor = robot.find('supervisor') if supervisor == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] No supervisor specified!') pose = robot.find('pose') if pose == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] No pose specified!') try: x, y, theta = pose.get('x'), pose.get('y'), pose.get('theta') if x == None or y == None or theta == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid pose!') robot_color = self._parse_color(robot.get('color')) simulator_objects.append(Struct({'type':'robot', 'robot':{'type':robot_type, 'pose':Pose(float(x), float(y), float(theta)), 'color':robot_color, 'options':robot.get('options',None)}, 'supervisor':{'type':supervisor.attrib['type'], 'options':supervisor.get('options',None)}})) except ValueError: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid robot (bad value)!') # obstacles for obstacle in self._root.findall('obstacle'): pose = obstacle.find('pose') if pose == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] No pose specified!') geometry = obstacle.find('geometry') if geometry == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] No geometry specified!') try: points = [] for point in geometry.findall('point'): x, y = point.get('x'), point.get('y') if x == None or y == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid point!') points.append((float(x), float(y))) if len(points) < 3: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Too few points!') x, y, theta = pose.get('x'), pose.get('y'), pose.get('theta') if x == None or y == None or theta == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid pose!') color = self._parse_color(obstacle.get('color')) simulator_objects.append(Struct({'type':'obstacle', 'polygon':{'pose':Pose(float(x),float(y),float(theta)), 'color':color, 'points':points}})) except ValueError: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid obstacle (bad value)!') # background for marker in self._root.findall('marker'): pose = marker.find('pose') if pose == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] No pose specified!') geometry = marker.find('geometry') if geometry == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] No geometry specified!') try: points = [] for point in geometry.findall('point'): x, y = point.get('x'), point.get('y') if x == None or y == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid point!') points.append((float(x), float(y))) if len(points) < 3: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Too few points!') x, y, theta = pose.get('x'), pose.get('y'), pose.get('theta') if x == None or y == None or theta == None: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid pose!') color = self._parse_color(marker.get('color')) simulator_objects.append(Struct({'type':'marker', 'polygon':{'pose':Pose(float(x),float(y),float(theta)), 'color':color, 'points':points}})) except ValueError: raise Exception( '[XMLReader._parse_simulation] Invalid marker (bad value)!') return simulator_objects
[docs] def read(self): """ Read in and parse the XML given in *file_* representing the specified *template*. | *Parameters:* | None | *Return:* | The result of reading and parsing the file. The type of return is dependent on the template, as follows: | | 1) **simulation**: a list of tuples representing robots, obstacles, and markers, as follows: | ('robot', *robot_type*, *supervisor_type*, *pose*, *color*) | ('obstacle', *pose*, [*point1*, *point2*, *point3*, ...], *color*) | ('marker', *pose*, [*point1*, *point2*, *point3*, ...], *color*) | | 2) **parameters**: a dictionary representing the structure of the XML, as follows: | { *root_element*: | { *parameter_name*: {*attribute_name*: *attribute_value*, ... }, | ... | (*parameter_name*, *parameter_id*): {*attribute_name*: *attribute_value*, ... }, | ... | } | } """ if self._template == "parameters": return self._parse_parameters() elif self._template == "simulation": return self._parse_simulation() else: raise Exception( '[] Unknown template!')